Character Information
Character Name: Moratti
Level: 80
Class: Mage
Spec: Arcane
Time Played: 150+ days (don't know exactly, I'm at work now).
Alt Characters & Levels:
Morevil: lvl 80 Warlock (destro)
Edinn: lvl 80 Paladin (retri)
Iníriel: lvl 80 Druid (resto)
Níenor: lvl 80 Shaman (resto)
Morilla: lvl 80 Death Knight (blood)
Hachibee: lvl 72 Hunter (BM)
Stabjab: lvl 12 Rogue (asas)
Personal Information
Age: 22
Location: Netherlands
Male/Female: Male
Main Professions (inc levels):
Tailoring (440), Enchanting (450)
Secondary Professions (inc levels):
Cooking, Fishing, First Aid, all maxed out.
Any Notable Recipes, Patterns etc:
Nothing exceptional. I have all the important enchants though.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Raid Experience
This is only for the character you are applying with and only completed at the appropriate level that matches the instance level, ie. Black Wing Lair @ 60 / Black Temple @ 70 / Naxx @ 60 or 80 etc.
Vanilla WoW 1.0+ :
Upper BRS
The Burning Crusade 2.0+ :
Karazhan, SSC, TK, BT all cleared.
Wrath of the Lich King 3.0+ :
Naxx 10/25 cleared. Ony 10/25 clear. Malygos 10/25 clear. Uldu 10/25 and ToC 10/25 not much ,just one or two bosses in each. ICC 25, only Marrowgar.
-Is there any other raid experience on alt characters you think is worth noting? (Again, only list raid experience completed at the appropriate level which matches the instance level):
I did most of Ulduar 10 with my resto shammy and got all the way to Yogg Saron.
-What is your attitude towards raiding? This includes signing up, preparation and during a raid:
I'm always very clear when siging up whether or not I'm available to avoid misunderstanding. I sign up as soon as the dates are set. I always prepare thoroughly with feasts, potions and off course being on time.
-What is your attitude towards 'l00t'?:
It's just pixels. I won't cry over a lost roll, I shrug it off and move on. It's about experiancing the encounter and being ready for the next. Gear only matters in that it allows me to take raiding to a higher level.
Raiding Availabilty
(The majority of Fatal's raids begin at 8pm Game Time and finish at 12am)
Monday: Yes/No
Tuesday: Yes/No
Wednesday: Yes/No
Thursday: Yes/No
Friday: Yes/No
Saturday: Yes/No
Sunday: Yes/No
-Anything else we should note? eg. Do you work alternating work shifts/times, have you any lengthy important AFK’s in the near future?:
I only afk for a while when I have important finals and they are due in December and May, so that's a few months off and I always notify in advance if anything comes up.
-Are you available to extend past our 12am raid time if an important boss be close to being killed or we are near a full clear of an instance?:
That's absolutely no problem.
Character Links
beimba ( Can't seem to copy the link at the moment.
Class Improvements
Do you read up about your class for improvements? For eg. which websites would you use?
I always keep track of impending changes when I'm active. I usually go to MMO-Champion or for any news or upcoming changes.
You and Fatal
How did you hear about Fatal?
I came accross it on the wow eu realm forums.
What are you looking for when joining a new guild like Fatal?
I expect to be playing with relaxed people who do fun stuff without turning WoW into a chore or job. I can contribute in providing the fun stuff, or at least I try too. I just want to play the game in a socially fun environment where there isn't much pressure and stress, but progression is being made nonetheless.
Guild History
Previous Guilds:
My first guild was on the Darkspear realm named Puur Hollands. Me and three other friends left because the guildleader wasn't interested in raiding. We joined up with Demise and started our raiding carreer there in Karazhan. After a while the officers got entangled in some fight and the guild broke up. After a short break I decided to move to Silvermoon. Here I joined the guild Respect with who'm I've raided quite a while finishing SSC, TK and BT. By that time I had a small burnout so after being away for a few months I decided to join a small casual 10 man raiding guild. This was Lazy Peon Tavern. I enjoyed it a lot there. the atmosphere and the people were very relaxed, but the progression we made was still very good. After a while I left because of the pressure of college. Now I'm back again and looking for a fresh new guild to start another adventure with. two of my old friends still play the game and are still in LPT at the moment.
Reason for leaving the most recent guild you were a member of:
See above.
Additional Info
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself and World of Warcraft? This could include your history playing WoW, notable guilds, experiences you've had, playing times, favourite things, dislikes?
I'm looking forward to raid again in these final WotlK moments and also with the upcoming Cata expansion. I can provide a steady, reliable teammate who is a player that likes the interactions within a guild and I hope you'll give me the chance to do so.