Character Name:Corradin
Time Played:32 days 11 hrs as my main
Alt Characters & Levels:
Corrbolt, 80 lock (old main)
Córr, 80 Druid Tank
Córyn, 80 Warrior
Póíson, 80 Rogue
Personal Information
Location:Gatley, Manchester, UK
Main Professions (inc levels):Miner 450, JC 431
Secondary Professions (inc levels):Fishing 277, Cooking 356
Corrbolt is my fisher and cook, although I will be leveling the above in time for Cata on this toon
Raid Experience
This is only for the character you are applying with and only completed at the appropriate level that matches the instance level, ie. Black Wing Lair @ 60 / Black Temple @ 70 / Naxx @ 60 or 80 etc.
Vanilla WoW 1.0+ : I only started playing during TBC, I have done the usual runs through the old raids.
The Burning Crusade 2.0+ :Kara @ 70, Gruul @ 70, Maggy @ 70, ZA @70, SSC @ 70 up to Vashj, TK @ 70, Hyjal @ 70 first 2 bosses. Never attempted Sun Well. This was on my warrior as a tank.
Wrath of the Lich King 3.0+ :Naxx 10/25 @ 80, OS 10/25 @ 80, Voa 10/25 @ 80, Ulduar 10/25, TOTC @ 10/25, ICC 10/25 10 bosses cleared.
I switched to paladin at the start of ICC due to guild requirement, my warlock was my main until that point.
-Is there any other raid experience on alt characters you think is worth noting? (Again, only list raid experience completed at the appropriate level which matches the instance level):
I have tanked with my Druid all instances up to ICC, this has been on 10 man.
-What is your attitude towards raiding? This includes signing up, preparation and during a raid:
I was the GM and raid leader of my old guild, I fully appreciate and ensure that my toon is fully prepared for raiding or standby.
I always ensure appropriate sign up and also advance warning if for some reason I can not attend.
I enjoy raiding, but I also enjoy the social part of the game. I always enjoy some banter on trash but switch to the A game for the bosses and progress.
-What is your attitude towards 'l00t'?:
Loot has never been as easy to get as it is now, it's good to get but I'm more focused on gearing the players up that benefit the progress of the guild more.
Raiding Availabilty
(The majority of Fatal's raids begin at 8pm Game Time and finish at 12am)
Monday: Yes
Tuesday: Yes
Wednesday: Yes
Thursday: Wife Rep, but can raid if we're on progress.
Friday: Yes
Saturday: Yes
Sunday: Yes
-Anything else we should note? eg. Do you work alternating work shifts/times, have you any lengthy important AFK’s in the near future?:
I'm currently studying for my finals in CIMA, this takes place during weekends though. So it shouldn't be an issue.
-Are you available to extend past our 12am raid time if an important boss be close to being killed or we are near a full clear of an instance?:
Yeah baby, let's kick em in the nuts I say!
Character Links
beimba (
Class Improvements
Do you read up about your class for improvements? For eg. which websites would you use?
Indeed I do, need something to pass the time at work. I tend to use Elitistjerks tbh, I've found them to be very good in the past.
I must admit I've been thinking of trying out a FoL spec and stacking SP instead of Int, but that's still on the drawing board.
You and Fatal
How did you hear about Fatal?
I've been looking for a guild that does more managable raiding times. You guys seem to fit the bill perfectly.
In the past I've raided 5 days a week, although I enjoy this I would like to do some PvP and enjoy other elements of the game.
Raiding 3/4 nights a week would suit me better.
What are you looking for when joining a new guild like Fatal?
I'd like to find a place to call home again, I'm hoping to find a stable guild that drives towards end game but also has a social element attached.
Guild History
Previous Guilds: Constant, Dark Heroes
Both on Bronze Dragonflight
Reason for leaving the most recent guild you were a member of: I was the founder, GM and Raid leader of DH for two years. The guild is still ranked 3rd on the realm for alliance.
I took a break from the game when I changed jobs, the hours we're not very raid friendly. Over the course of the months that passed teh guild changed and so did the players. When I returned after 6 months a lot of my old friends had left the game. I didn't feel very welcome in teh guild anymore either tbh so I left.
I've not really been activly looking for a guild until today, just been pugging with some other old friends, but I do miss the regular raiding.
Additional Info
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself and World of Warcraft? This could include your history playing WoW, notable guilds, experiences you've had, playing times, favourite things, dislikes?
Only that I've been playing the game for coming upto 3 years now and a very important lesson I've learned and pass to all I know is........don't stand in red or blue shit, it does not give you a buff!
On a serious note though, I did take a break from teh game due to work committments as mentioned above. I have since been promoted and I'm now in charge of my own dept. The benefit being I tell people when to go home, so no missing raid times for me. lol
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself? This could include any other personal information like hobbies, interests, work. Or you may want to write about your personality and likes/dislikes:
Not much else to add really.
Take care guys