Character Information
Character Name: Nerlan
Level: 80
Class: Death Knight
Spec: Unholy DPS / Frost Tank
Time Played: 28d 15h
Alt Characters & Levels: None at 80
Personal Information
Age: 25
Location: UK
Male/Female: Male
Main Professions (inc levels): Skinning 450 / LW 450
Secondary Professions (inc levels): None
Any Notable Recipes, Patterns etc: Footpads of Impending Death (ilvl 264)
Raid Experience
This is only for the character you are applying with and only completed at the appropriate level that matches the instance level, ie. Black Wing Lair @ 60 / Black Temple @ 70 / Naxx @ 60 or 80 etc.
Vanilla WoW 1.0+ : None on this character
The Burning Crusade 2.0+ : None on this character
Wrath of the Lich King 3.0+ : ICC10 7/12; ICC25 3/12
-Is there any other raid experience on alt characters you think is worth noting? (Again, only list raid experience completed at the appropriate level which matches the instance level):
Rook (Warlock): All of Molten Core, BWL, ZG, AQ40 at level 60 and also a few others at level 70
-What is your attitude towards raiding? This includes signing up, preparation and during a raid:
Sign up only if you're sure you can make it, arrive 15 minutes early with food and pots. Get involved on Vent, ask questions if unsure about something.
-What is your attitude towards 'l00t'?:
I want to see the content I'm paying for. If I get some loot as I'm doing it, that's an added bonus.
Raiding Availabilty
(The majority of Fatal's raids begin at 8pm Game Time and finish at 12am)
Monday: Yes
Tuesday: Yes
Wednesday: Yes
Thursday: Yes
Friday: Maybe
Saturday: Maybe
Sunday: Yes
-Anything else we should note? eg. Do you work alternating work shifts/times, have you any lengthy important AFK’s in the near future?:
-Are you available to extend past our 12am raid time if an important boss be close to being killed or we are near a full clear of an instance?:
The absolute latest I can stay up on a weekday (or Sunday) is 2am game time.
Character Links
beimba (
Class Improvements
Do you read up about your class for improvements? For eg. which websites would you use?
Elitist Jerks
You and Fatal
How did you hear about Fatal?
I know quite a few people in Fatal from the days of Lux in vanilla WoW.
What are you looking for when joining a new guild like Fatal?
Sex, drugs and rock n roll. No seriously, I'm looking to play with people I know and like.
Guild History
Previous Guilds: Twilight Blades, Lux, Pax Pacis
Reason for leaving the most recent guild you were a member of:
There wasn't any leadership so the guild pretty much disintegrated
Additional Info
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself and World of Warcraft? This could include your history playing WoW, notable guilds, experiences you've had, playing times, favourite things, dislikes?
I've played since release as Rook and have always been a bit obsessed about damage meters. If I can't make it to the top 3, I will keep fiddiling with my setup and rotations until I'm there.
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself? This could include any other personal information like hobbies, interests, work. Or you may want to write about your personality and likes/dislikes:
I'm a lawyer and I like House music.