Character Information
Character Name:Guidgen
Spec:feral dps
Time Played:20d 16h this char
Alt Characters & Levels:Lethe, level 70 warlock; Selfdenied, level 70 hunter - these are my classic/BC characters
Personal Information
Male/Female: male
Main Professions (inc levels): Herbalism 450\ Alchemy 450.
Secondary Professions (inc levels): none. They are too boring to level, but if it is necessary for raiding, it will be done.
Any Notable Recipes, Patterns etc: none
Raid Experience
Vanilla WoW 1.0+ : none on this char
The Burning Crusade 2.0+ :same
Wrath of the Lich King 3.0+ :ICC 10: 10/12; ICC 25: 6/12; RS 10: 1/1 (or 4/4 if minibosses count)
Alt raid experience: some easy classic stuff, TK\SSC\MH - all except for final bosses, BC - up to Teron
Attitude towards raiding
To start, raiding is fun. What i like in raiding is progress through effort - the feeling when you down a boss after countless wipes is awesome. IMHO the only way to increase your playing skill leads through wipes. You try, fail, and then improve yourself. Same relates to the raid as whole - good teamplay can be attained only through hours and hours spend together, and, naturally, wiping=) If you are not ready morally to die for 3 hours in a row, it's better not to play WoW. I returned to WoW a few months before the Cataclyzm release after a 2 year break, and , sadly, see that the game changed for the worse in many aspects (*here goes some oldshool whining - you know this stuff*). These pugs of loot crazy children that disband after the first wipe make me sick. And in general ppl seem just to hunger for the loot - no communication, no relations, no effort- just gimme those ep1xxxx. The guy who intoduced dungeon queue must burn in hell. Forever. Ah... too many complaints. In general, i seek for a friendly atmosphere and some ppl who share similar ideals=) Sure i'm ready to spend money on repairs, consumables etc. Sure if you signed for the raid, you must be in time. And slackers and smokers- who loves them?=) One guy in the raid without food buff is enough for the others to think - why the hell must i spend those money?
What is your attitude towards 'l00t'?:
Well, i mostly answered this question already. Loot is important, BUT, this is not the goal of the game. And raiding progress is more important than gaining new items, though it relies on items among other things. Fuck gear score addon and achievements- noone needs your skill, noone needs a frindly member of the team, who can talk about some things different from Altlas loot contents.
Raiding Availabilty
Monday: Yes
Tuesday: Yes
Wednesday: Yes
Thursday: Yes
Friday: Yes
Saturday: Yes- but sometimes can be busy (family and stuff)
Sunday: Same
-Anything else we should note? eg. Do you work alternating work shifts/times, have you any lengthy important AFK’s in the near future?: I'm a scientist, and have to attend conferences in other cities, so sometimes i can be offline for a week.
-Are you available to extend past our 12am raid time if an important boss be close to being killed or we are near a full clear of an instance?:
Sure, and for hours after 12 am=)
Character Links
beimba (
Armory is broken for quite a time, so my profile is obsolete. Now i have 5864 GS (shit, GS, had to say about it) , top 264 ilvl weapon and so on.
Class Improvements
Do you read up about your class for improvements? For eg. which websites would you use? mainly. I prefer to use RAWR for item customization. MAxdps has no feral dps calculator, so i don't use it. Also some russian resources and different blogs.
You and Fatal
How did you hear about Fatal?
My friend Rinthy joined Fatal and gave me a warm response about the guild.
What are you looking for when joining a new guild like Fatal?
Mature and skilled ppl, whose interests and not concentrated about loot/tactics only.
Guild History
Previous Guilds: currenly in Phobia.
Reason for leaving the most recent guild you were a member of: several key guild member left the guild (and, most importantly, the RL of my static raid).
u]Additional Info[/u]
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself and World of Warcraft? This could include your history playing WoW, notable guilds, experiences you've had, playing times, favourite things, dislikes?
Too wast topic, frankly speaking. Just can say thay i spend 3 years in Lineage 2 (where i was a GM of one of the top guilds on Russian servers, got everything possible from the game and quit when it turned into a job), 4 years in WoW with some breaks.
I started playing WoW in a russian guild on Talnivarr realms, then changed a guild after my friend transferred to Russian WoW realms (which suck IMHO, coz they are too similar to Indian reservations in America=) ). I could easily continue playing Russian WoW now, but i don't like to have verything spooned, so i started a new character 2 months ago and tried to raise it without any support.
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself? This could include any other personal information like hobbies, interests, work. Or you may want to write about your personality and likes/dislikes:
russian physicist (vodka\bears\etc. not included)
play guitar, WoW, wife's nerves and so on
love Beatles\ABBA\classical stuff like Bach and death\doom metal