Character Name:Hammerfell
Spec:MS Retribution, OS Protection
Time Played:49 days and 22 hours
Alt Characters & Levels:
Have alts on different servers.
Personal Information
Main Professions (inc levels):Blacksmith
Secondary Professions (inc levels):First ade
Any Notable Recipes, Patterns etc:None
Raid Experience
This is only for the character you are applying with and only completed at the appropriate level that matches the instance level, ie. Black Wing Lair @ 60 / Black Temple @ 70 / Naxx @ 60 or 80 etc.
Vanilla WoW 1.0+ :None on this char
The Burning Crusade 2.0+ :None on this char
Wrath of the Lich King 3.0+ :As dps: Naxx 10/25, EoE 10, Ulduar 10/25<--(some hardmodes10man) Missing some bosses on 25 cause fail pugs and guild, OS 10/25 1d 25 mode, Voa10/25. ToC 10/25, i was with Fatal one time in 25 mode, inv by Drilek.
As Tank: Naxx 10/25, Voa 10, ToC 10, Os 10/25.
-Is there any other raid experience on alt characters you think is worth noting? (Again, only list raid experience completed at the appropriate level which matches the instance level):
no cause this is my main. And have just focused all my time on getting best with him.
-What is your attitude towards raiding? This includes signing up, preparation and during a raid:
I respect leaders and others in raid, always come to raids that i have said yes to, almost never say no to a raid. Always come with own food, flasks and repaired. I understand tacts and know almost all tacts for every raid instance, and im a very quick learner. One time done, and it fits like a glove. I simply love raiding, the highlight of the day is to raid a good raid with the guild.
-What is your attitude towards 'l00t'?:
Its a pleasure to get what i need when i get it, but if there is another that need it more, ill pass it on. I never complain, and its always fun to raid and struggle a cool fight and see the drops. It is just fun for me to share the playtime with others. I know that if i dont get it the first time, well then i maybe get it next time, the main thing is that i get better at every raid i do, so a loot drop is just the cherry on a big cake:)
Raiding Availabilty
(The majority of Fatal's raids begin at 8pm Game Time and finish at 12am)
Monday: Yes
Tuesday: Yes
Wednesday: Yes
Thursday: Yes
Friday: Yes
Saturday: Yes
Sunday: Yes
-Anything else we should note? eg. Do you work alternating work shifts/times, have you any lengthy important AFK’s in the near future?:No, nothing that i know about. But i have a Girlfriend, so in some simple days and weekends i cannot come, but i let ye know in a good time, i plan everything.
-Are you available to extend past our 12am raid time if an important boss be close to being killed or we are near a full clear of an instance?:Yes OFC.
Character Links
beimba (
Class Improvements
Do you read up about your class for improvements? For eg. which websites would you use?
If im unsure about some things, i just google and search for every kind of forum for my class and spec. To get an overall view and learning.
You and Fatal
How did you hear about Fatal? My friends in RL: Drilek and Ymre, has told alot of nice things about Fatal, so im very curious and heard it is a very good and mature guild, that fits for my taste and personality.
What are you looking for when joining a new guild like Fatal?
Im looking for mature and kind people that like the same thing as me, to play and raid in wow. Share funny stories and share a good playtime, to become a little guild family that has alot of great and fun time together.
Guild History
Previous Guilds:Im rather new to this server, from Deathwing, i where in the same guild as Drilek, Wmega. And at Silvermoon, just one Flawless.
Reason for leaving the most recent guild you were a member of: People didnt show respect anymore for those who were the founding members, like me and some others, and the new recruits didnt do anything, Flawless become a sinking ship, it was a good time in there, but after some main raiders left the guild and new got in it all fell apart, and i was one of the oldest left in guild and i couldnt stand the ignorant and loss of respect, so i left.
Additional Info
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself and World of Warcraft? This could include your history playing WoW, notable guilds, experiences you've had, playing times, favourite things, dislikes?
-Anything else you would like to add to your application regarding yourself? This could include any other personal information like hobbies, interests, work. Or you may want to write about your personality and likes/dislikes:
Im a happy, positiv 22 year old lad who have become a big fanatic of WoW, i play every day, have played wow 1 1/2 year now, and i just like to play spess with a nice guild. Then i really love to just log on and have alot of fun. And those hours at the day i dont play, im with my GF and friends, partying and study my hobbies that are cars and engines. Hope to hear from ye soon. So if there is any questions, just ask:)
Regards, Hammerfell.